PhD Student | Cornell University | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Entomology

Shékoli swakekú, Cheyenne Reuben-Thomas ni:yukhats.
Onʌyoteˀa·ka· wakenyʌhtʌ niwakiˀtalo·tʌ. 

Hi, everyone! My name is Cheyenne Reuben-Thomas. I am an enrolled member of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, Turtle Clan. 


Yaw^ko (big thanks) for visiting my page! 

In Fall 2023, I began my journey as a PhD Student at Cornell University as both a Dean's Scholar Fellow and an NSF GRFP Fellow

Under the mentorship of Dr. Corrie Moreau, my research will focus on
comparing the effects of Traditional Ecological Knowledge and
settler land management strategies on insect diversity.

Specifically, I am interested in investigating the effects of Good Fire, or traditional uses of prescribed burns on Tribal lands, compared to settler
land management strategies on species and genetic diversity of ants
as well as overall insect biodiversity.



MARCH 2024: 

As part of the SING Canada team, I have been busy helping prepare for the Global Leadership in Genomics Symposium in May, which will also include a SING Alumni Workshop. Along with organizing events and helping lead discussions, I will be giving a presentation focused on Indigenous Data and Governance!

MARCH 2024:

 I have been awarded one of three Field Inclusive Research Grants for 2024. I am thrilled to be part of the Field Inclusive network, where I am connected with other marginalized folks in the field of ecology! This award will help supplement a livable stipend to an undergraduate field assistant.

FEB 2024:

As part of the Indigenous Voices Project, I will be attending the 2024 Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting. I plan to present my future and ongoing research there. Additionally, I am an invited speaker in the 2024 Inspire Session, which will focus on supporting Indigenous ecologists throughout their career.